Dec 4, 2013

Ch. 7 - Business Marketing

55-inch is a great size for many consumers, but it may be not big enough for some/many businesses. In the current (Ultra) High Definition LED/LCD television market, there are many TVs that are much larger than 55-inch. As far as size is concerned, LG's 55-inch Curved OLED TV (55EA9800) is absolutely the best in its game and it has received great reviews since its first appearance in the market. However, many companies that utilize large area displays for business purposes would need displays bigger than 55 inches and they should pay attention to LG's another game changer.

LG introduced a 77-inch Ultra HD OLED TV prototype in September at the IFA 2013 in Berlin. After all the great reviews that LG has gotten for 55EA9800, LG added 22-inch and also increased the resolution to 4K, not to mention the curved OLED panel. According to Jay Vendenbree, senior VP of LG's USA home entertainment division, said that the official debut for the U.S. market will be at the International CES 2014 in January. He said, 

“some may say it’s too early to kick off the future, I’m here to say the future is now. Today, consumers already are purchasing Ultra HD TVs in ever-increasing numbers. And the reason is simple – they can really see the difference. Consumers’ jaws literally drop when they see it, even more than HDTV.”

LG's confidently forecasts that their sales will be as high as 800,000 units during 2014 while other industry research organizations, such as DisplaySearch, estimates up to 500,000 units.

He also mentioned that businesses will soon need Ultra HD because of an increase in consumers' demand for Ultra HD in businesses such as hotels and airports.

Here are some pictures of 77-inch Curved Ultra HD TV:


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