Oct 25, 2013

Ch. 16 - Advertising, Public Relations and Sales Promotion

We all know that the current main stream television panels are mostly LCD/LED based products and LG manufactures many main stream products that are available in the market, not to mention LG offers them at very competitive prices. While LG prepares the next generation TV panel technology, OLED, they use various marketing tools to attract consumers. One of the most important tools is CES, the Consumer Electronic Shows. It is a trade show/exhibition produced by the Consumer Electronic Association (CEA). According to the 2013 attendee summary audit, the number of attendees from all over the world were over 150,000. Among them, about 6,400 attendees were media related attendees from 73 different countries. A show like this is very effective not only for LG but for any company that can afford to participate. 

Before the 55-inch Curved OLED TV (55EA9800), LG introduced 55EM9600 flat-panel OLED TV and it was selected by CNET (reputable online review website) as the winner of TV category of 2012 CES. 

And at the 2013 CES, LG showed off the 55-inch OLED TV (55EM9700) and they were planned to arrive in the U.S. in March 2013. 

Along with the 55EM9700 model, LG started selling the 55-inch Curved OLED TV(55EA9800) model in August 2013 worldwide.

Also, LG works with a brand ambassador, Ewan McGregor, for the Australian market. As they introduced the 55-inch Curved OLED TV in Australia along with other large area TVs, they introduced Ewan McGregor as their brand ambassador. According to CNET, before he described his brand ambassador role, he said, “LG makes f**king good tellies.” 

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