Sep 21, 2013

Ch. 3 - Ethics & Social Responsibility

“We have to promote a business that can lead us to succeed and contribute to the society. Such business can continuously be crowned with success.” by In-hwoi Koo, the founder of LG Group 

Corporate Social Responsibilities

LG Display has been striving to contribute to regional communities and human happiness through various activities.

  1. They build internet PC facilities and multimedia spaces throughout the country for underprivileged children to help them experience the technology's of digital age. Three of their main programs are, "Very Special Saturday", "After School", and "IT Room for Hope."

  2. In an effort to inform children at elementary schools about eye-care awareness, they conduct special classes. Also, they offer free eye-checking for the elderly people in remote areas where eye care services are difficult to get.

  3. Support multicultural families to help improve their home environment.

Environmental Awareness

LG Display pledges to make efforts to become environment-friendly companies. As part of their management, LG Display is well aware of energy, environment, health and safety for the corporate and its employees and society. They devised their own management system called, ESH(Environment, Safety and Health) Management system.

Based on the system principle, LG Display strives to contribute society through sustainable development activities and mail activities are as follows.

  • Improvement of product environmental aspects
    • Hazardous substance process management
    • Application of halogen (Bromine, Chlorine)-free parts & green glass
  • Analysis of hazardous substances in products
    • ISO/IEC 17025 accredited Eco Analytical Center
    • Standardization activities of eco analytical technology
  • Climate change and energy reduction
    • Energy saving and greenhouse gas reduction
    • SF6 abatement system
    • Participate in World LCD Industry Cooperation Committee to reduce greenhouse gas emission. 
  • Resource conservation and efficiency improvement
    • Water saving and recycle
    • Minimizing waste and maximizing waste recyle
  • Pollution control
    • Maximizing treatment efficiency of pollutants
    • Reducing pollutants emission and discharge
  • Chemical control
    • Controlling all chemical stages
    • Emergency response to prevent chemicals from flowing into streams and rivers
  • Safety management
    • Securing safe reliability through equipment safety certification
    • Process Safety Management - in order to avoid any sources of fire, explosion and leakage and to prevent occupational accidents
    • Safety Training School -  train employees from fundamental safety knowledge to fire drills.
  • Health management
    • Health promotion programs- provide annual examination for employees age of  over 35
    • Work Environment Assessment - outside professional organizations are commissioned to assess hazardous agents in all workplaces twice a year


LG Display does more activities to protect our environment and has many employee volunteers to go other countries where help is needed. LG Display started generating a thorough, comprehensive sustainability report since 2011. For more detailed report, please click here.

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