Nov 8, 2013

Ch. 10 - Product Concepts

As technologies change rapidly, many not only small gadgets but also a lot of consumer electronics become obsolete. However, when consumers buy electronics that are expensive or that are expected to last longer than other small gadgets, such as televisions or computers, they tend to make their decisions carefully. For early adopters and those who are willing and able to pay more than 10 times higher prices than current LCD/LED televisions on the market for LG's 55-inch Curved OLED TV,(55EA9800) you won't regret your decisions.

Whether consumers install 55EA9800 in their living room or businesses install it at a lounge/waiting area for clients in their companies, the viewing experience will impress anyone who sits in front of this television. One of the most important reasons is LG's OLED panel technology. While other competitors use RGB OLED panel technology, LG chose WRGB OLED panel technology. This allows infinite contrast and also wider viewing angles. This superior panel technology absolutely sets apart 55EA9800 from other competitors OLED televisions. 


For some consumers who need their display output devices in a bright environment, 55EA9800 will be able to surpass their expectations on televisions. Thus, such customers who have seen and experienced high-quality, satisfying results with LG's products, look for LG's product lines. 

LG's logo, symbol, and tag-line are quite easily noticeable. 
Because they all have similar elements that connect each other. The symbol has a letter 'L' in the middle of a red circle and a carefully designed letter G is between the letter 'L' and inside the circle. This symbol is always accompanied by the letters 'L' & 'G' right next to it. Their tag-line, "Life's Good" alliterate with their brand name, LG. Wherever in the world LG's product is sold, their logo symbol and  brand name are used consistently. 

AS the display panel technology matures and the manufacturing costs are reduced, LG will produce more variety of televisions that will serve general consumers who need less options and features at competitive prices for everyday use and power users and businesses who want more useful options and features.

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